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CS:GO Betting Markets

Total Deaths (Over/Under 6.5, 7.5):

  • Explanation: This market allows you to bet on whether the total number of deaths during a certain number of rounds will be above (Over) or below (Under) a specific value.
  • Example: If you bet on “Over 6.5,” you need at least 7 deaths to occur in total during the selected period.

Kills Score (Exact Results):

  • Explanation: Here, bettors can predict the exact score of kills in a specific round, offering various possible result options.
  • Example: If you choose “3:5,” you are betting that one team will make 3 kills while the other makes 5 in a specific round.

Round Winner:

  • Explanation: Bettors choose which team will win a specific round of the game.
  • Example: If you bet on “Counter-Terrorists,” you are predicting that this team will win the round in question.

Bomb Defusal in the 10th Round:

  • Explanation: This market allows you to bet on whether the bomb will be defused during the 10th round.
  • Example: If you choose “Yes,” you are betting that the team will successfully defuse the bomb during that round.

First Kill, Second Kill, etc., in the 10th Round:

  • Explanation: Bettors predict which team will make the first, second, third, etc., kill during the 10th round.
  • Example: If you choose “Counter-Terrorists” as the first kill, you are betting that this team will make the first elimination of the round.

Method of Victory in the 10th Round:

  • Explanation: This market allows you to bet on the method by which a team will win the 10th round, including elimination, bomb defusal, bomb explosion, or time expiration.
  • Example: If you bet on “Elimination,” you are predicting that the team will win the round by eliminating all opposing players.

Combination of Round Winner and First Kill in the 10th Round:

  • Explanation: Bettors can make combined bets on the round winner and the first kill that will occur during the 10th round.
  • Example: If you choose “Counter-Terrorists and Terrorists,” you are betting that the Counter-Terrorists team will win the round and the Terrorists will make the first kill.

Total Kills and First Kill in the 10th Round:

  • Explanation: This market combines the total kills in the 10th round with the team that will make the first kill.
  • Example: If you choose “Over 4.5 and Terrorists,” you are betting that there will be more than 4.5 kills in the round and the Terrorists will make the first kill.

< strong>Winner (Winner):

  • In this market, you bet on which team will win the match.
  • Odds are provided for each team.
  • In your example, Vortex has odds of 2.30 and Phantom has odds of 1.55 to win the match.

First Map – Winner (including Overtime):

  • Here, you bet on the team that will win the first map of the match, including any overtime.
  • Vortex has odds of 2.10 and Phantom has odds of 1.65 to win the first map.

Second Map – Winner (including Overtime):

  • Similar to the previous market, but applied to the second map.
  • The odds are the same: Vortex at 2.10 and Phantom at 1.65.

Third Map – Winner (including Overtime):

  • Again, applied to the third map.
  • The odds remain the same: Vortex at 2.10 and Phantom at 1.65.

Map Handicap:

    • The handicap adjusts the odds to balance the match.
    • In the example, Vortex has a handicap of -1.5, meaning they need to win by at least 2 maps difference for your bet to win.
    • < li>


    • has a handicap of


    • , meaning they can lose by up to

1 map

    and still win the bet.

Total Maps:

  • You bet on whether the total number of maps played will be over 2.5 or under 2.5.

Exact Result (in Maps):

  • Here, you bet on the exact result in terms of maps won by each team.
  • For example, 2:0 means one team won the first two maps.

Team 1 Wins at Least One Map:

  • You bet on whether Team 1 will win at least one map in the match.

Phantom Wins at Least One Map:

  • Similar to the previous market, but applied to Team Phantom.
  • The options are Yes (1.17) or No (4.40).

This guide provides a detailed overview of various CS:GO betting markets, helping bettors understand the available options and how they work.

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